2025/2026 PTO Executive Board Elections

Boo-Yah to you for taking the first step and learning all about what it's like to be on the PTO Executive Board! We cannot accomplish all that we do without a board full of amazing Bobcat Parents who truly want to make a positive impact on our campus.


The election timeline is outlined below for you. Then read on for answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you were not able to attend our Q&A on Feb 11th, or if you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us so we can alleviate your concerns and get you on the road to Making the Magic! 


Election Timeline:

Nominations will be submitted online from March 1st - March 8th.

>>CLICK HERE to complete the nomination form.<<

*Link will only be active March 1st - March 8th.

**You must be a fully enrolled PTO Member in order to submit your nomination.


Candidate information will be posted by March 15th

*All candidate bios will be published on this page at least 2 weeks prior to the voting.


Online Voting will occur March 31st - April 4th

*The voting form will only appear in your account March 31st - April 4th.

**If you have the 2-parent membership, a second voting form will appear in your account for Member 2 to complete.

***You must be a fully enrolled PTO member in order to cast a vote.

 Executive Board FAQ:


We are so excited that you are interested in running for a Bridges PTO Executive Board position! We created this FAQ section to give you some more information to help you decide if being on the board is the right fit for you. 

  1. Is Bridges PTO part of the school?
    • Bridges PTO is its own separate entity, it is NOT a part of the school or the district. Executive Board members are, therefore, not considered employees of HUSD. Bridges PTO is licensed through Arizona Corporation Commission as a non-profit entity and through IRS as a 501c3 non-profit. This means that Bridges PTO has its own business practices and bylaws, files its own tax returns, and needs to follow business and non-profit accounting protocols.
  2. Do Executive Board members get paid?
    • No. All board members are strictly volunteers.
  3. How many hours per week do you work?
    • Each position is a little different and it will vary throughout the school year, but on average it will be about 5 hours per week outside of events.
  4. Am I able to be on the board if I have a job/career too?
    • Yes! In fact, most board members have full-time careers outside of the PTO.
  5. Do I need to be available over summer months or breaks?
    • Yes, there is some planning and work that is done over summer and most breaks. However, it is all done on your own timing and easily accomplished with a little forethought. The board typically plans items out a quarter in advance so over the summer you will be planning the first quarter of the school year.
  6. Do I need to be available during the school day?
    • Not necessarily. Some positions may have a need for occasionally being on campus during the school day, such as President and Hospitality. Most positions do not need to be on campus during the school day, outside of events.
  7. Do board members work all events?
    • Board members will need to plan on working all major events, such as movie nights, Bobcat Breakfast, etc. Smaller events (Kinder Roundup, Coffee Breaks, etc) will be divided up with only a few board members attending each one.
  8. What does a typical major event day look like?
    • Board members start setting up for an event shortly after school gets out (around 3:30pm). Board members will stay and work during the event as well as clean-up after the event. Every effort is made for board members to have scheduled time with their family during the event as well as breaks to eat, relax, and have some fun too.
  9. Is each board position solely responsible for its own area?
    • No, the board works as a team. Each position will have its main areas to focus on. However, each board member assists wherever possible to help each other out and make each endeavor successful. Everyone has unique strengths and skillsets; the board will work together to best utilize those unique talents.
  10. How are decisions made?
    • Decisions are made by a majority vote. A board member will put together a proposal and present it to the board for discussion and voting.
  11. Do I need prior experience to be on the executive board?
    • No, but it is highly recommended that you have some experience with our PTO, such as having volunteered at events, participated in a subcommittee, and/or attended our open meetings.
  12. Are there any other requirements to be on the board?
    • Per our bylaws, you must be an enrolled Bridges PTO member in good standing. Click here to view our current bylaws. (You will need to be logged into your PTO membership account in order to view the meeting/bylaw webpage).
  13. How can I learn more about being on the board?
    • Please come to our Open Meeting on Tuesday Feb 11th at 7pm in the Training Room. We’ll be deep diving into what it’s like to be on the board as well as talking more about each individual position. In the meantime, you can also review the graphic below for a brief overview of the positions.


Being on the executive board is a very rewarding experience, allowing you to have a significant positive impact on our campus. The mission of Bridges PTO is to support our school campus, its students & staff and provide opportunities to enhance our Bobcat community. We accomplish this through a variety of means, such as organizing school-wide events, pampering our staff with pick-me-ups, providing curriculum enhancements & supplies for our students, classes & clubs, communicating with parents, making improvements to our physical campus and, of course, fundraising to help support all these initiatives.


As a board we certainly have a lot of fun as we fulfill our mission, and each executive board member plays a vital role in achieving yearly goals. It is important to note, however, that being on the board is a commitment. Board members make a commitment to volunteer year-round to help our Bobcat Community succeed.